Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Little House on the Prairie

Some pretty momentous news to report this week....Kelly, Jack, and I are in the process of buying a house in Ann Arbor, MI! Shergar wanted to be part of it, but spent all of her savings on rawhides - she'll be a non-contributing guest.

After a neighborhood scouting trip earlier this year, we took some time last week to drive around the town and look at specific properties. All told, we saw about 12 places and found a house (above) that we both really like. Kelly will tell you that she convinced me that we should look at it (despite my reservations), and she's right.

It's a 4-bedroom house in northwest Ann Arbor, not far from Wines Elementary School (how appropriate) and the Maple/Miller thoroughfares. The property is only 9 years old, with one prior owner, and is move-in ready, with a finished basement, 2-car garage, patio out back, and within walking distance of nature trails, parks, schools, and the river.

We're thrilled at the prospect of moving there, not only to take advantage of the extra living space we need, but also to have Jack grow up in a fun college enviroment (international, liberal town) that puts us closer to family.

We had our offer accepted yesterday and are now working on inspections, appraisals, and paperwork. Fingers crossed that we will move before the end of October.


Elizabeth said...

Congrats, looks like an awesome place!! Bird Hills is right down the road and the trails are very nice! Be sure to check out the B.L.O.G. (Book on a log)on the main trail it's hilarious!! ;)

Ms J said...

Congratulations! But I must admit we're quite sad that you're leaving the east coast. If only Ann Arbor and NYC were closer! I guess that just gives us an excuse for a big ol roadtrip, huh? ;)

Christine said...

Congrats!! So how does that work on the job front for Mick?

Kelly said...

Mick will continue to work for his current company (Australian company with their North American office in DC) but will do so from home.

Chudd Family said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you all but will miss you big time!!!

Brian said...

Wow, I had a LOT to catch up on! So exciting guys! Happy that you'll be a little bit closer :)