Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Music Together

Starting in September, Jack and I began our fourth session of our Music Together class. We began with Music Together in Arlington when Jack was just eight months old and then continued classes when we moved to Ann Arbor.

Music Together at Eight Months Old
I debated signing him up this fall semester because the program isn't cheap, but when I realized it would be my last opportunity to take a class JUST with Jack (before Chickpea arrives), I got a lump in my throat and took my credit card out. Every week at the end of class, we sing a lullaby. As soon as the lights are turned off (signifying "lullaby time"), Jack races to me and flings himself into my lap, with his arms curled around my neck. It's one of my favorite parts of the week and, lately at least, has made me tear up every time he does it.

Some may question paying to take such a young child to music classes (I know my mom did) but as soon as you see the classes in action, and you see how much Jack truly loves them and gets out of them, you understand. I wholeheartedly believe the research that claims that music helps in brain development and hope that arts programs continue to be supported as heavily as athletics in our public schools.

OK, off my soapbox now. This past weekend, we were able to take Mick to class with us as we were attending a make-up session. This allowed me to get some pictures of Jack in action, which I normally can't do. He's really into drumming right now (ever since we started taking him to see the Michigan Marching Band practice) and so loves the opportunity to pick the drum during the "freestyle play" part of class; we also used the rhythm sticks for the first time this semester and he was very excited to be able to show his skills:

Tapping Along with Rhythm Sticks

Impressing Daddy with Drum Skills

Lullaby Time


Grammy 'n Papa Klimek said...

You need to take and post a video of class here. It is truly amazing. It looks like Mick is enjoying lullaby time too!

Christine said...

Chase and I did Music Together classes! They were so fun! The lullaby at the end was definitely my favorite part, too, til he got older and just wanted to play. Anyway, GO ARTS!!!! :)