Thursday, March 24, 2011

One Month!

It's hard to believe, but Kate has been here a month already... and what a month it's been! We've had visits from lots of family and friends and are working on adjusting to our new reality as a family of four. Kate continues to be an extremely predictable baby and a very good eater and sleeper. I actually get better sleep now with a newborn than I did when I was pregnant. Kate tends to eat around 11 pm and then sleeps through until 4 am or so, which I can definitely handle!

We went to her one-month well visit today and have the following stats on Kate's growth:

  • Weight is 9 lbs 14 oz (4.5 kg) -- 68th percentile
  • Height is 22.25 inches (56.5 cm) -- 85th percentile
  • Head circumference is 14.7 inches -- 57th percentile
As you can see from these pictures, she really is getting a lot bigger... and a lot more alert! She coos a lot, has started showing interest in some toys, and smiles in response to us (especially Jack). In fact, just this evening as she drifted off to sleep, she actually started to laugh. It was such a sweet sound!

Admiring herself in the mirror during bath time

Intrigued by her activity mat

Sticking out her tongue and being silly

Granddad and Aunt Sarah Jane were able to visit for a week which was wonderful for all of us, though Jack was particularly thrilled with all of the extra attention. They were a wonderful help and it was sad to see them go; my heart always aches when Jack has to say goodbye to his family from across the pond. I cannot imagine how hard it is for them to see him so infrequently and then to get so attached during visits, knowing they won't see him (and now Kate) for another few months. I try my best to keep them involved in the kids' lives by sending pictures, videos, and keeping this blog updated, but I know it's no replacement for actually being with Jack and Kate. Here are a few pics from their visit:

Enjoying some (short-lived) warmer weather

Snuggling with Aunt Sarah Jane

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Jack had some classic observations/comments yesterday that are still making me smile a day later.

At music class, he walked up to another parent, who was wearing a black & white striped cardigan, and said "you look like a zebra."

Also at music, he thoughtfully observed another baby, maybe about a month or so older than Kate, and then turned to me, pointed at Kate in her car seat, and said "Mom, is this one ours?"

Then, while I was getting dinner ready, Kate started crying in the other room. Jack was in the kitchen with me and as he ran in to calm Kate, I heard him say to her "hang on a minute, sweetheart, I'm coming!"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Up-And-Coming Youngster Inks New Deal With Latics

Picked up my dad and sister at the airport yesterday. As a gift for Jack, my dad bought him an Oldham Athletic away kit, with his name on the back of the shirt. This is significant for a number of reasons:

1. The number 3 is equivalent to how many terraces our ground currently has, since the demolition of the Lookers Stand.
2. Given that the Latics have scored just 2 goals in the last couple of months, our squad numbers dont go any higher than 8 any more.
3. It is debatable whether any Oldham player will ever again score 3 times in a game. By the time Jack is old enough to play for the Latics (some 14 years from now), he might be that player.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Going Back in Time

It’s been 3 weeks since Kate was born and I’m beginning (albeit slowly) to recall what it’s like to have a newborn in the house.

While her older brother, Jack, can be challenging – anyone who has had to turn down his request for a “snaaaaack” or “sicle!” can testify – his schedule and sleeping patterns are so predictable.

Not so with a newborn. Kate is just beginning to adjust to her surroundings and while we know she’ll be alive-and-kicking from 8pm-11pm, she may also be fussy at completely random times of day. Kelly is handling this marvelously well, while I’m just trying to avoid making Kate cry.

Friday, March 11, 2011

We Survived!

I feared Wednesday this week. In a big way.

Mick's mom left to go back to England on Tuesday and Mick left around 7:00 am on Wednesday for a business trip to Chicago. I was on my own for the first time with two kids. And I was scared.

But summoning advice from friends -- including listening to Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" and thinking of Béla Károlyi's "You can do eeeeet!" -- I embraced Wednesday with a positive attitude (and a healthy dose of fear).

Somehow, the stars aligned, as we actually had a really good day. I was able to shower and get myself and the kids dressed and out of the house by 10:10 - just ten minutes later than I wanted. Both of them were fed; I can't remember if I had breakfast but I'm sure I had a cup of coffee. Here's Kate hanging out in her swing while Jack had breakfast and then all dressed and ready to go:

I took Jack to Jungle Java, an indoor playground space just a few miles from here. We'd never been there before but I've wanted to give it a try as Jack has SO much energy and loves to climb and run and jump. He looked a bit overwhelmed when we walked in so I had to give him a little pep talk to remind him that I wouldn't be able to climb through with him as I was going to have to sit with Kate. I had no idea if it would be worth the admission fee, but Jack was off and running and climbing as soon as I got his shoes off. The picture below shows how much fun he had.

I decided to be a nice mom and buy Jack a slightly overpriced lunch from Jungle Java and then we headed home for a nap. I was certain he'd take a fantastic nap. Bad news is that he only slept an hour and a half (normal nap for him is 2.5 hours). Good news is that he woke up in a really good mood. Kate was up the whole time Jack slept so that meant I got no nap. Sad. I was a bit nervous when I looked at the clock when Jack woke to see it was only 3:00; how in the world would I make it another 4.5 hours until bedtime???

The answer: Meijer... both to see the lobsters and to get some things for dinner. We left the house a bit before 4:00 and I braced myself for what could easily have been a horrendous trip to the store with two kids. I think Jack was about 5 weeks old before I ventured out to the grocery store with him for the first time. Again, Jack was excellent and Kate slept the entire time!

The only problem was that I forgot about the logistics of fitting groceries in the cart when I had a car seat in the big part and Jack in the front seat part. Luckily, Jack was okay holding a few items while I piled the rest on and around Kate's seat.

As we were ready to leave the store, I realized I had nothing for Jack for dinner. So, I did what any tired mom does: I suggested some fast-cooking, easy, unhealthy (yes, I admit it!) food. First I suggested his favorite: pasta. He said no. Then I pulled out the big guns and suggested a deli pizza. No again. "Well Jack, what do you want then?" Um, he wanted a rotisserie chicken. Seriously. Were there any though? Nope. So I asked how long it would take for more to be ready. Seven minutes. UGH! I just wanted to get out of there. But we waited because I wanted Jack to eat a good meal. And did he ever! Four helpings of chicken... so I guess I can't complain that he turned down pasta and pizza. Here's Jack enjoying the horsey ride at the end of our Meijer trip. It costs a penny so I can't turn it down!

Presumably not every day will go so well but it was nice that our first go at it turned out so nicely so at least I know it's possible!

Kate's First Weeks

It's hard to believe, but Kate was two weeks old on Tuesday. The adjustment period has gone well so far; much better than I anticipated it would. No doubt, that is due in large part to the grandparents who helped immensely in keeping me taken care of and keeping Jack entertained. My parents left on Sunday; my mom had been with us for 2 1/2 weeks (since Jack was in the hospital, which seems like a lifetime ago!). Mick's mom left Tuesday after visiting for just over two weeks. Jack was crushed to see everyone go and I don't blame him. He had a fantastic time with them and got LOTS of attention!

Kate continues with thrill us with her (generally) easy temperament. I kind of expected to have another baby like Jack because, while I know you shouldn't compare kids, he was all I had known. But while Jack was a very lively newborn - eating every two hours like clockwork, taking forever to fall asleep after nighttime feedings, struggling out of his swaddle and thrashing all over the bassinet - Kate is extremely placid. The first few nights home, I actually set my alarm every three hours to get up to feed her. She just seemed too lazy to me! She is a dream to get back to sleep at night (I don't really have to do anything - she just nurses and then sleeps), she only wakes once to eat (around 3:30 am), and she stays completely still in her bassinet - swaddle and everything!

Kate went for her two-week visit to the doctor on Tuesday and we found she's up to 8 lbs, 14 oz. That's a massive gain (19 oz since birth)! She's gaining at the same rate Jack did - double the average. And she's a quick eater, like her brother was, which makes things quite nice for me... especially as Jack likes to climb all over me to get to Kate and give her kisses when I'm nursing. She does have a bit of a fussy time in the evening and so it's been trial and error to figure out what she likes and what calms her (loud "shushing" in her ear coupled with holding her under her armpits n a bit of a sitting/slumped over position). Last night, Mick gave her her first bottle, which she hungrily gulped down around 10:30, allowing me to sleep on the couch. Today, I was able to pump 6 oz of milk in record time (for me): 9 minutes! Everything has to happen a bit more quickly these days so I can accommodate two kids' needs.

So far, knock wood, we haven't had any major behavioral issues with Jack. He's shown nothing but love & wonder toward Kate. As soon as he wakes, he wants to see her and he's constantly rubbing her head, stroking her cheek and saying things to me like "I love my baby sister! I made her happy!"

Photos from her first few weeks are in our photo album. Enjoy!