Sunday, January 22, 2012

Slow Recovery From Knee Surgery

We are on Day 4 of my recovery from knee surgery and everything has gone well so far.

For the most part, I am on 23-hour lockdown - splitting time between the makeshift bed that Kelly organized for the living room, and the sofa next door. I've laid, and slept, with my leg elevated above my heart, and continue to take a variety of pain-killers.

Moving around is very hard. I cannot physically get up and down without assistance - which Kelly and Tom have amply provided - and am tied to an ice machine, which pumps a continuous flow of cold water to my knee. Otherwise, I am not in a great deal of pain. It will come as no surprise that Kelly has been an extremely patient nurse, bringing me refreshments and helping with my every move. Tom (my father-in-law) has been great as well; twice driving the 3 hours from his home in Big Rapids to support us.

I am looking forward to my doctor's appointment this week to see what my next steps will be.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jack's Comedy Hour

Had to share the exploits of Jack yesterday morning. As usual, he woke up around 6am and came into our bedroom - this despite Kelly putting a bowl of dry cereal in his room to hopefully keep him occupied for a while. From there, the following sequence of events unfolds:

Kelly: "Jack, why dont you get my laptop from the office and bring it in here, so that you can watch Pingu?"

Jack walks down the corridor and into my office.

BUDUMP - the sound of Jack dropping Kelly's laptop onto the office carpet.

Jack returns to our bedroom with the laptop and approaches the bed.

BUDUMP - While reaching for the bed, Jack drops the laptop onto bedroom floor.

Kelly: "Jack, can you close our door, so that Kate doesnt hear us and then wake up?"

Jack walks over to the door and loudly slams it shut.

Kelly: "Jack...that was too loud, can you be quieter next time?"

Jack: "I'm sooooooorrrrrrrry, Mommy"

BUDUMP: Again, Jack drops the laptop onto the bedroom floor.

Re-opening the bedroom door, Jack then returns to his own room to get Hip-Hip, his stuffed elephant. Upon arriving back in our bedroom, he notices that Shergar (who had slept overnight in my office) has since walked in and is lying on her bed.

Jack: "Oh...look...Sheeeeerrrghhhhhar's here".

Kelly and Mick start crying with laughter as, finally, Jack makes it onto the bed, with the laptop, and watches Pingu.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mick Knee(ds) To Go Under the Knife

Two weeks ago, Mick injured his knee while playing soccer with his indoor team. He was running for the ball ("hauling ass" as one of his teammates recalled) when he heard a crack in his left knee and pretty immediately felt pain. Somehow, he was able to drive home & operate the clutch in the car but then was pretty immobile. Ice and elevation helped a bit but putting any weight on his leg while bending it was excruciating.

One week later, following x-rays, a giant brace that immobilizes his knee at a locked extension (zero bend), and an MRI, we saw the orthopaedic specialist and discovered that Mick has a torn patellar tendon and a fractured kneecap. Today, he is in for surgery to have everything repaired and then we'll look to about a 4 - 6 month complete recovery period. He told me that, over the last 10 years, this is the part of his body that has given him the most trouble, so he's not surprised it has finally failed him. I had forgotten that he had a similar injury (though not as severe) in 2005 that was treated through physical therapy.

The injury has put a bit of a kink in our plans as we've had to cancel our February trip to England and he's been grounded (no travel for work) until early March. We are all learning to live with each other full-time and are immensely appreciative for all of the help we are getting from family & friends. My dad is with the kids today while Mick has his operation, Ed (Mick's dad) is coming across to stay with us for a week on Sunday, and Mick's mum is likely to visit in February to lend a hand.

Mick's objectives are pretty simple: he wants to be able to walk and to bend his leg without pain. The doctor has informed us that Mick will probably be able to bend his knee to about 90 degrees in about 2 months, an otherwise unimpressive feat but one for which Mick will be grateful. He has sworn off soccer (well, for now, at least... though he has suggested he may play in goal from time to time) and just wants to be able to run around with the kids and not worry about another injury.

Just before he went into surgery, I asked him if he was nervous at all about anything. (He did make a point of providing me with account numbers & passwords to all of our financial accounts, "just in case..."). He responded in classic understated & sensible Mick fashion: "No, I'm just excited that the doctor is going to get in there to have a look around and tidy things up a bit." What a guy.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kate's First Haircut

Over the Christmas holiday, Kelly and Mary took Kate for her first haircut. Not unlike Jack, Kate's hair grows rapidly and was beginning to cover her eyes. So, off they went to a children's hairdresser in Canton and, by all accounts, Kate was extremely well-behaved throughout.