I had told Jack I needed to get a few things for Mummy & Daddy and that it would be a quick trip. As I pulled into the parking space, Jack piped up from the back "Get toy for baby, too." This threw me off guard a bit as we haven't talked at all about getting anything for little Chickpea, though I was planning to take him shopping for a baby gift a week or so before the baby's arrival. Anyway, I thought I'd humor him (because I figured he'd forget) and told him we'd look for something.
We didn't spend long in the store and, as we were walking out, Jack exclaimed "Wait! Have to get something for baby!" I was surprised that he'd remembered his request and, of course, there was no way I could say "no," given that he'd come up with this special gesture completely unprompted. We walked back to the baby department and I told Jack he could pick one item for the baby. He seemed to examine everything closely & critically. First, he asked for a gift set that included an elephant stuffed animal and some teething rings. I put this in our cart. Next, he asked for a set of infant towels that had fish on them. I put these, too, in the cart, reminding him that he'd have to pick one item when we were all done. In our last aisle, he selected a clear plastic ball/rattle with beads inside and tubes around the outside, also filled with little beads. I thought this should be the winner, but I let him choose. He examined his three choices carefully, eventually settling on the ball. I was excited because this toy was 20% off.
However, on the way out of the aisle, he suddenly gasped (and I wish I could demonstrate this because it was so funny) "Oh, mummy! Look what I see! THAT!!!!" He was pointing to a big ladybug toy that has different fabrics and textures on it and that plays music when you press its back. Of course, this item cost twice as much as the plastic ball and was not on sale (go figure) but he was so enamored with it that the sucker in me had to get it. He kept telling me the baby would love it; how could I possibly resist?
Here's the picture I snapped of him, giddy about our impending purchase, moments after the decision was made:
In unrelated shopping news, Jack quite literally rang in the season on Tuesday when we made a quick run to the grocery store and Jack made our first Salvation Army donation of the season. (Hearing those bell ringers is always the first real sign to me that the holidays are upon us.) The bell ringer was so impressed with Jack's persistence at trying to stuff a rolled-up dollar bill into the coin slot in her bucket that she let him ring the bell for a few minutes. He loved it!