Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lonely Goatherd

Jack has enjoyed spending the last week up north with Grammy & Papa, not only because they're great company for him, but also because he's been able to observe the five goats that have taken up residence next door. These goats seem to be free-range, taking a leisurely stroll every day from their home through my parents' yard and over to the church next to my parents' place. On Tuesday, Jack was in a particularly challenging mood so I took him on a walk outside for a good ol' goat hunt; I mean, who hasn't "hunted" goats in their backyard?

Our adventure in pictures (and some priceless video):

Jack, deciding in which direction we should go to find the goats

He kept his eyes peeled for them...

...and repeatedly shouted "GOATS? GOATS? Where are you, goats?"

And then, we spotted them... at church!

We walked toward them (despite my warning that they'd run) and they scurried to the back of the church (near the satellite dish... go figure)
Once we had a good viewing platform, I started singing "Lonely Goatherd" from the Sound of Music (couldn't think of any other goat songs). Jack loved it and started pointing at the goats, in rhythm with the music - as if he were conducting:

Because Jack loved "Lonely Goatherd" so much (but clearly was longing for a better rendition than mine), I splurged on the $0.99 version from iTunes and played it for him when we arrived back in the house. He then entertained us with his dance to the song, which follows below. I laugh every time I watch it.


Christine said...

OMG, that video made me laugh out loud! TOO CUTE!!

Heather said...

Hilarious. It made me laugh out loud to... the little man's got rythm

Andrea said...

What a great story! And how completely random that there are goats roaming there.