As Mick pointed out, "it's probably a good thing she's sleeping through it; avoids the awkward questions from her about why she's English but isn't a princess."
Jack woke just as Kate & William were leaving Westminster Abbey and he was beyond thrilled to see all the horses. Here he is, along with his elephant Hip Hip, enthralled with the procession:
Here are a few of his comments from our viewing time together:
"I like the horseys, and the men with the funny hats on."
"I think the horses are going to turn left and go to Papa's house."
"Look! A band! I love that band!"
Jack: "Where are they going next?"
Me: "To the palace."
Jack: "And what are they going to do at the palace?"
Me: "Have some food."
Jack: "What kind of food?"
Me: "Hmmm, I'm not sure."
Jack: "I think they're going to have some pasta!"