Kate continues to be an absolute pleasure. Last night, she didn't wake up for a feed until 5:00 am, which was fantastic as I had last fed her around 11 pm. Mick gave her a bottle at 5:00 while I dozed - blissful! Mick's been fantastic about doing the middle-of-the-night feeding for me. While I don't sleep soundly through it, I do rest, and I love knowing that Mick gets some special one-on-one time with Kate.
Kate has completely outgrown her newborn clothing and one of my jobs for this weekend is to get out all of her size 3 month clothes. It is so bittersweet to pack the tiny things away as I absolutely love the baby stage... but when I look at Jack now, at an age I completely love, I kind of can't wait for Kate to grow and change and become her own person. Yet I don't want these times to end. Convoluted, I know.
Here are some pictures of Kate over the last few days. (Sorry the quality isn't great; I never have my camera with me so almost all of these are taken with my phone. You can click on the picture to enlarge it if you need to.)
As for Jack, he continues to (mostly) be a big help to me. Luckily, it's a source of pride for him to help so I am milking that for all it's worth. He's great at bringing me diapers, throwing dirty ones away, getting me a burp cloth or tissue if I need one, picking up his toys, etc.
The big news as related to Jack is that we've FINALLY had some success on the potty! I really want to get Jack into preschool in the fall (he'll be three in August) and he really should be potty trained before school starts. I had absolutely no energy to think about potty training while I was pregnant, aside from reading him tons of books and talking a LOT about the potty. But he showed absolutely no interest so, a few weeks ago, I ended up moving his little potty to the basement and figured I'd give it a real try this summer.
However, randomly one day last week, Jack told me he needed to use his potty so I dashed downstairs to get it, sat him down, read some stories, and lo and behold, he went! Actually, he then went four times in the space of an hour (of course, every time he told me he needed to go again, I doubted him because, really... four times in an hour!?!?). This so classically fit Jack's personality and it proves what I've been telling people all along: he'll do it when he's ready and no one can convince him it's time unless he actually wants to learn!
Very exciting - first go on the potty (note the stickers on the floor next to him, just waiting to be given as a reward!)
Wearing real underpants (and a sticker on his shirt)!
So of course, I made a huge deal about his success and how proud of him I was (as was Daddy and Kate and the grandparents and the aunts & uncles...) and then we promptly headed to Target for a some new underpants for him (he chose Thomas the Train). I now have a sticker chart going in the bathroom as well since he seems to respond well to receiving stickers as a reward (that was how we successfully managed the transition to the bed). I think I may give him a little something special (the dollar store is PERFECT for this kind of thing!) every time he fills a row with stickers and hopefully we can reward him with a trip to Chicago once he's fully potty trained. (He's been begging for months to go to Chicago on the train and it's certainly a vacation I think we can easily do as a family once the spring in finally here.)
Mick has tons of travel in April, so I was at my parents' last week with the kids so I could have some extra help (which was much needed & much appreciated as Jack was incredibly challenging the first half of the week). I will post pictures from our stay in the near future...
The big news as related to Jack is that we've FINALLY had some success on the potty! I really want to get Jack into preschool in the fall (he'll be three in August) and he really should be potty trained before school starts. I had absolutely no energy to think about potty training while I was pregnant, aside from reading him tons of books and talking a LOT about the potty. But he showed absolutely no interest so, a few weeks ago, I ended up moving his little potty to the basement and figured I'd give it a real try this summer.
However, randomly one day last week, Jack told me he needed to use his potty so I dashed downstairs to get it, sat him down, read some stories, and lo and behold, he went! Actually, he then went four times in the space of an hour (of course, every time he told me he needed to go again, I doubted him because, really... four times in an hour!?!?). This so classically fit Jack's personality and it proves what I've been telling people all along: he'll do it when he's ready and no one can convince him it's time unless he actually wants to learn!
So of course, I made a huge deal about his success and how proud of him I was (as was Daddy and Kate and the grandparents and the aunts & uncles...) and then we promptly headed to Target for a some new underpants for him (he chose Thomas the Train). I now have a sticker chart going in the bathroom as well since he seems to respond well to receiving stickers as a reward (that was how we successfully managed the transition to the bed). I think I may give him a little something special (the dollar store is PERFECT for this kind of thing!) every time he fills a row with stickers and hopefully we can reward him with a trip to Chicago once he's fully potty trained. (He's been begging for months to go to Chicago on the train and it's certainly a vacation I think we can easily do as a family once the spring in finally here.)
Mick has tons of travel in April, so I was at my parents' last week with the kids so I could have some extra help (which was much needed & much appreciated as Jack was incredibly challenging the first half of the week). I will post pictures from our stay in the near future...
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