Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Like Father, Like Son

Without any pressure from yours truly, Jack has picked up a couple of daddy's habits. While guitar remains his first love (taking after his Uncle Chris), drumming is his life (a phrase from "Love Actually"?).

Not one to be constrained by the absence of an actual kit, young Ringo improvises, using pretzel jars as tom-toms.

When not keeping time to The Beatles, he can be found conducting research on lobsters - especially the ones that move before the others move their legs, the subject of several recent paintings.

Only another 9,950 hours and he'll be an expert!

1 comment:

Mclean Furgang said...

Unbelievable, what a big boy Jack is by now ! I don't envy you for the drummer career though. *lol* Missed reading your posts ! Keep 'em coming.


Sabine and the Furgang

PS: How's Shergar ?!