Thursday, April 16, 2009

Attention, Grandparents!

We've got big news to share:

Jack slept straight through the night last night! He went down around 8:00 and didn't wake until 6:30. Of course, I went in three times to make sure he was still breathing. I've gotten so programmed to expect that he'll wake multiple times throughout the night (wanting his paci, trying to practice crawl, teething, just wanting to play with Daddy & look at the cars at 3 am) that when he didn't make a peep I freaked out!

I know you guys have all been following our sleep saga & offering tidbits of advice since he was about 4 months old and you told us (over Christmas) "just let him cry it out - he'll be fine!" so I thought you'd be especially happy to hear that we finally had success!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Oh, goodness. I totally remember that day! I woke up at 7:15 and FLIPPED OUT. After I confirmed he was in fact still breathing I threw a party. :) Congrats!!!!