He's right where he should be developmentally and is sleeping right about the average for this age (11 hours at night, 2.5 hours during the day). In terms of size, he's around the 65th percentile for weight -- 23 lbs, 7 oz -- and is off the charts for height! The nurse actually measured his length twice because she was so sure she'd gotten in wrong the first time. But her measurements came out pretty similar: he's somewhere between 32 5/8" long and 32 7/8" long.
His walking is getting better every day - though he doesn't want anything to do with walking once I put his shoes on. I've heard that the walking often stops completely for a few days after the shots in the legs, so we'll see. I took this video yesterday (I never have the camera ready when he does one of his long stretches of walking) but it at least gives a sense that he can do more than 2 or 3 steps now.
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