Wednesday, August 20, 2008

All is Quiet on the Western Front

Jack is one week old today and continues to amaze all of us just by doing basic baby things. Of course, we all think he's smart ("look at how alert he his!", "he's holding his head up; he is so strong!", "he is tracking and focusing already!") and good looking.

I am growing more and more confident every day and am learning to just trust my instincts as, so far, they've been dead on. Thanks to a suggestion from my brother, Andy, I dressed Jack a bit differently last night and he slept solidly from 1:30 am until 7:15 am when I woke him up to feed him! Being rested has made such a difference to me today; I almost feel like my old self.

My emotions have remained relatively under control -- I don't think one set of tears per day is anything out of the ordinary, especially when I'm still on two different pain killers. My most embarrassing breakdown so far came on Sunday evening when I couldn't find the hospital bands that Jack, Mick, and I wore until we were discharged. I ripped apart the house, accused Mick of throwing them out, and then asked my mom to help me dig through the garbage (which was completely full) to find the wristbands. My poor mom dumped the heavy garbage can in our driveway, dug through all of the yard waste that Mick had just put in there, and struggled to pull out the 4 bags of garbage that were at the bottom of the can. Then, she patiently sorted through each of the bags of trash while I stood weeping in the driveway and insisting that the bands must have been thrown out.

After sorting through all of the indoor & outdoor trash, I started thinking about our discharge and I remembered the nurse saying that she needed to staple our bands to a hospital form that would be put in Jack's chart. As we sat down for dinner, I said to Mick "I'm so sorry, I think I made a mistake." I explained that maybe the bands didn't come home with us (despite my earlier insistence that they had) and that we should call the hospital on Monday. Mick did just that and the nurses confirmed that all hospital bands remain at the hospital. Oops.

Other than that snafu, I think things have gone very well. The grandparents -- four of whom are here right now -- think Jack is just swell. I have told my dad that he gets Jack priority when we're in MI in September as he still hasn't been able to meet the little guy. I am so thankful for all of the help I've received these last few days. Not having to think about cooking and cleaning is such a relief. Plus, having a chauffeur (I cannot drive until I am off pain meds) has been incredibly helpful.

I still haven't posted pictures to our Snapfish album but will be sure to post an update here when I do!

Oh, and in other exciting baby news, Jack had a cousin born 2 days after him: Deagan James Klimek (Andy & Sarah's son) arrived on August 15 after just three pushes! He was only one day past his due date and weighed in at 9 lbs, 10 oz and 20 inches long. Big brother Marcus is being a big help though Andy said he still doesn't have the "wash your hands before you give Deagan your finger to suck on" rule internalized. We are looking forward to introducing the babies to each other in September.

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