Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Home on the...um...Range

Jack arrived home on Saturday afternoon and has adapted well to his new surroundings. With a multitude of family in tow, he fills his time with demanding activities such as being held, sleeping, eating, looking around, being held, eating, sleeping, being held, and...every so often...looking around some more.

We've learned a lot about his patterns and behaviors; the sound of the ocean (emitting from a woolly sheep) relaxes him, rides in the car seat put him to sleep, and his arms and legs are remarkably powerful.

He got his first look at a pediatrician's office yesterday; thankfully, all checked out well and he continues to gain weight, height, color, and hair.

Otherwise, he's a little miffed that he didnt win the baby pool, but expects to mount a strong campaign for the "Number of Times Each Day Someone Will Say 'He's TOO Cute!'" pool. Not sure how he paid his entry fee though....

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