Well, I made it to week 39. That's a VERY good thing as my mom arrives from Michigan tomorrow evening. It was tricky to plan her travels around when we thought I might deliver. So far, we've been okay and haven't had any need to make last-minute travel changes. Now, if I can just get through the next 20 hours until her arrival...
We visited my midwife today and she confirmed that the baby is very low (which I kind of knew already as it's getting very difficult to stand or walk). My blood pressure was a bit high (which Mick and I joked was b/c of my mom's impending arrival... all in good fun though as I'm really looking forward to her being a part of this) so I have to go back on Thursday morning to have it checked again. If it's still high, they will likely induce me on Thursday so the baby is not in harm's way. Otherwise, we'll continue to wait it out.
I had acupuncture tonight to try to induce labor as naturally as you can (without drugs). When acupuncture works for induction, it usually starts labor in 24 - 48 hours. So, we'll see. I have my next acupuncture appointment on the 29th (due date) and my dad arrives that night.
It becomes more real every day that Mick and I will soon be parents. I am excited and nervous and a little emotional (Mick might say a lot emotional) about this whole thing; I'm sure it will be near impossible to describe.
Off to practice our Lamaze breathing. I'm hoping we don't laugh as much as we did during the class...
Holidays 2014
10 years ago
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